Blog Layout




Hello and welcome to my website and blog. My name is Vicky Quadri also known as Mrs. Unique and this is my first blog post which I’m sorta scared and excited about. Today I launch the start of my blogging adventure as I will be talking all things fashion, fabrics, creative projects, starting my own business, being a mum, and anything else I would like to write about or discuss. First things first I would like to thank you all for even pressing the link to read my blog post and visiting my website so be sure to subscribe to be kept up to date with all things Unique ID. I also can’t let this opportunity pass without addressing the recent protest that we have all been discussing recently as it's all over the news and on social media and I’m not talking about COVID-19. The #BLACKLIVESMATTER movement has been a topic very dear to my heart. Not only because I’m a black woman but because I have family, friends and acquaintances that I don’t want any unjust action being brought onto them so I stand tall, powerful and confident whilst I repeat #BLACKLIVESMATTER. We all have a part to play if we want change for the better so let's make this happen. I will continue to champion this movement until my last dying breath.


Rant over…So, onto a more positive note…


I’ll be writing about my mission and my values on forthcoming blog posts but today I wanted to share my project I’ve been doing with my sewing member and volunteers so read on…


As the title says, I’ve been making masks for the NHS staff members at Kings College Hospital in South East London. This project was commissioned by Lambeth Council. Counsellor Pauline is the Counsellor there. She was a nurse in her previous role and knew the issues the staff faced with the shortage of face mask and supported us all the way. 


It’s been a very busy last few weeks in the Quadri household, I felt like I was back doing my dresses and sewing till stupid o clock hours most nights and mornings. It was all worth it though, knowing that my team of ladies has helped in this pandemic which has softened my own heart. P.s that’s my one good deed for the year done…I pat myself on the back lol!


We wanted to give the staff members a variety of different design patterns and options for them to pick so we have presented them with 2 styles, 10 different fabric options, which resulted in 20, different designs. JOB DONE! 




I did a few masks for a friend who recently sent round a broadcast message asking if we can make masks for local care working in South London. I jumped up at the project because it was for a great cause especially seeing the figures on the news with the high rise of COVID cases and the sad fact that the staff looking after suspected candidates were not being properly protected. After this first batch of masks, I spoke to the Chair lady Rosemary Egbe of my local area and she too had a great idea to get my sewing group involved in creating more masks. It was a ‘great minds think a like' situation. Rosemary mentioned to me that she had previously spoken to Counsellor Pauline about doing a project for the NHS team at Kings College as a thank-you gesture for the hard work they have been doing during this pandemic so it just made sense to put our vision into reality. We got to work straight away.




In total there have been 9 members sewing the masks. Most of the ladies were from my sewing class which I hosted every Friday in my local community centre. It’s since been put on hold due to social distancing. One helper is a friend of mine who I told her I was doing the project and she leaped up to help. Don’t you just love when that happens….


We have been doing this project for about 6 weeks which started at the beginning of May this year. In the first 2 weeks, we were waiting on the fabric and trims to be delivered and then I had to prepare the fabric and cut all of the mask templates out and distribute them to the sewing members ready to sew.




We presented the NHS staff with two different styles, the curved option and the straight pleated option which I created patterns for them both. We have a what’s app group that I shared an online tutorial link through there for the members to see the process of making both masks. I also conducted a one-to-one session in the community centre for people that wanted to visually see the step by step process of the mask making. We maintained social distancing by wearing our masks and sitting 2 meters apart from one another whilst I taught. 


I also created a shopping list and fabric consumption sheet to figure out the total amount of fabric that was needed to make the masks. Items were orders, patterns were cut and I also pre-sewn ready-made masks for each member to have hard copies of as a point of reference for making. The mask patterns were distributed by arranging to drop off at each sewing member's door or meeting at the community centre for collection. Once masks were completed I or Rosemary collected them from the member's houses. 




Everyone has done an amazing amount of work as everyone fitted in hours of sewing around the quarantine lifestyle. Some members are home-schooling children, looking after vulnerable members in their household, or have other personal commitments but everyone worked hard to achieve the 650 masks we have to date. 


Most members are complete beginners so sewing was not easy to them but after a few practice trial wears, I believe everyone picked up their confidence regardless of their ability. 


Omeh Egbe showed amazing dedication throughout the project duration. She is an autistic member of the community and showed exceptional talent and hard work through all challenges. 




We have made 650 masks so far. 500 were given to the NHS staff, 100 given to volunteers and healthcare assistance and the 50 will be given to the residents of our estate with a plan to make more and top this number up.




The first 500 masks were made for Kings College Hospital for the NHS staff members. Councillor Jim and Pauline arranged a scheduled time to meet with me and Rosemary for hand over. Every mask was neatly folded and packaged individually in single cases and presented in a gift bag to gift them. The Councillors delivered them to the hospital where they were distributed out to the staff members. They were extremely chuffed with the gift from us and me and my ladies were happy to hear that.




Lilford Area Residents Association’s (L.A.R.A) main goal has always been about the community and about bringing members together and allowing them to showcase their talent through entrepreneurial achievements. Through this project, we have combined members of each activity group as one unity be it the summer playgroup members, the knitting group and of course the sewing group.




Sadly we have had to stop our weekly sewing classes due to social distancing but as soon as we are given the red light to meet again we will keep you informed as everyone is more than welcome to attend.


This as a project has taught me a lot in terms of managing my time well with a 24-month-old. I had to make myself accessible at all times from phone calls, video tutorials and any troubleshooting issues that the ladies came across. We had to work fast to get the project completed to the deadline date. Managing a team of 9 ladies was an experience I will use for my Unique Id launch so stay tuned to see how I do it.


O and BTW we were featured in this week's South London Press newspaper…here's the link to read the full article. Who knew… starting my sewing class back in July 2019 was just a pastime venture whilst I was on my maternity leave and now my first project has been featured in my local newspaper article. What a blessing! 


'Mumma, I made it lol!'


I look forward to writing my next blog to hopefully inspire you and to keep you going in your achievements and goals.


Stay connected and hit me up on any of my socials, peace and speak soon.


From Mrs. Unique


I always knew I'll be some sort of motivational designer so I'm putting it into practice now
by Mrs. Unique 1 February 2021
My first virtual sewing class launch and the tea about it.
End the year on reflection- what's your goals for 2021?
by Mrs. Unique 27 December 2020
Merry Christmas, Happy new year and Thank you.
by Mrs. Unique 31 October 2020
WHAT I'VE BEEN UP TO THIS MONTH Hi all, Hope you're all well? Following on from my last post regarding Black History month, I mentioned I will be involved in a little something for this special month. Here's how it went... So I've been up to a little something this month which was great exposure and practice for me for when I'm ready to launch my collection. I was asked by John Lewis and Partners to show case my collection to partners of the store on Sunday 10th October. It got such a good reaction from the store partners that I was asked to come back the following weeks till the end of October month which I gladly accepted. Ever since the cruel murder of George Floyd as well as the 'Black lives matter' movement, John Lewis wanted to have inclusion for diversity for the BAME community and wanted to promote black businesses as of course they asked the best upcoming designer in the game for her input, hehe. I was more than happy to showcase my collection. I am no where near finished with the samples but I thought why not, this is an opportunity I didn't want to turn down so I put on my brave smiley face and got to work. MY MISSION WAS TO EDUCATE FIRST AND PROMOTE AFTER... LET ME EXPLAIN. The main reason for black history month is to educate people of the greatness that has been achieved from black people whom have made a change in the world or to purely inform them. So it was only right that I educated the partners so I wanted to showcase my African traditional wedding attire. This was because this was a highlight for me and I wanted to showcase the beautiful attire which was made for me by a talented tailor. For many African couples the ceremony of a traditional wedding is full of rich contemporary Nigerian music, scrumptious meals, lots of colour and it’s a chance for the couple to celebrate their heritage by wearing their best African attire which is usually bespoke and handmade for the couple in a colour of their choosing. The bride’s outfit is a reflection of what the female guests will wear to represent her side of the family. The outfit consists of a gale which is a head tie, the Buba tank top, and an Iro, which is a large ankle length piece of material tied round your waist. (This styling is what the older mature lady may wear). I choose to modernise my attire to be more figure hugging to my liking. The bride would also wear accessories like chains, beads, earrings and shoes to match. The groom could wear an Agbada, which is a two layered piece of material which is paired with trousers. Both outfit styles should compliment each other. We choose the colour blue for our traditional wear as blue is a key colour which represents my tribe so it was a good way to show the new unity of two tribes now becoming one. SNEAK PREVIEW OF UNIQUE ID FIT SAMPLES So first of all I was a bag of nerves. I was filled with all sorts of emotions from excitement, to nerves to being anxious all in one. This was because I haven't showcased my pre-fit collection to anyone yet let alone showcased it to a massive brand like John Lewis before. I didn't know how anyone would perceive it or react to it so I was pretty nervous. I came in early to the store on the Sunday morning to set up so I dressed the mannequins, organised my table and ensured my leaflets were easily accessible for people to take as they please. Then the staff members came in and the first comments I heard were 'wooow ' , 'isn't that colourful', 'can I buy that please?' and it was a lovely feeling. My main goal of the set up was educate people about my forth coming launch and let them know I'm selling facemasks on the website. I also realised that although my main business concept and selling concept is very bespoke orientated I quickly realised that I do need actually ready -made products and I need to think about a ready made capsule collection to sell in order to have a viable growing business. I plan to implement this into my start up journey and add this to my list of to-do of the other 110 other things I need to do.... I got work to do!!!. All in all, I'm happy I got a chance to showcase my pre- collection and get to test run how it will be for when I'm ready to present again in this big bad world. It gave me a bit of a kick up the bum as I had deadlines to meet in order to present my collection to John Lewis, My lasting wish is that I hope they give more opportunities to the BAME community and their business more throughout the year and not just the month of October. My fingers are crossed and I'm always hopeful so let's see shall we. INSPIRATION QUOTE I LIKE in relation to BOSSING UP... 'Always deliver more than expected' 'Everything you do now is for your future' 'We cannot become what we want by remaining who we are' 'Choose your dreams over your fears' FOLLOW ME AND MY SOCIAL ACCOUNTS... Just incase you have not done so, I would love for you to follow me on my socials to hear the latest of what I'm up to as I prepare for my launch and be sure to say 'HI'. SIGNING OUT... I hope my blog will inspire you to step out of your comfort zone and do something different today... I'm making a move on my new business venture. What are you up to... Let me know and good luck. Night-night you wonderful humans OR good-morning you early risers. Signing out, Love from Mrs Unique
These ladies changed the views of the society around them. Read on to know more
by Mrs. Unique 5 October 2020
Black history month Influential Boss ladies
Follow my journey of my fashion business start ups, inspirational quotes & gaining body confidence.
by Mrs. Unique 2 September 2020
Follow my journey as I go through the highs and lows of being a London based fashion designer trying to achieve her dream and carry out a mission worth keeping your ears and eyes peeled for....… I wanted a fashion brand that would disrupt the ‘standard’ fashion industry way of working and create my own rules so read on to know how and why I wanted to create this concept for you..
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